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2 June 2024, 17:48:34  
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Manifest v6.2

With this piece of e-paper the community known in battlefields with the [drgn] effigy, reports about the situation inside the group, about duties and responsibilities of each element but also on inconfutable rights.

The community is made up of people that have mutual respect and behavioural responsibility in common, that is to bear in mind what the group needs instead of what the single element needs.

The Dragon must be seen as a community of people who support, develop and actively cooperate to maintain at best the games that they carry out supplying management and necessary infrastructures, where possible, to pursue this goal.
The service offered by the community is a BES service (Best Effort Service): we provide services our hardest without ensuring the operation.

The Dragon community regrets and condemns the use of any kind of cheats, in any type of multiplayer game, whether software multihack (aimbot + wallhack + speedhack) programmes for the overclock the video cards (ie rivatuner) used to bypass limits imposed by graphics of games.
If a player belonging to the community is surprised using cheats of all kinds (on servers, public or private, during a normal game, during a war, official etc.) with the purpose of pure and subtle take advantage against other, that player will be get away by the community as decided by Admins.
manifesto beginning

Anyone can be part of the Dragon without limits of clan membership, sex, race, nationalities, weight or size of pants. People who uses cheats or that through their thoughts and their actions do not respect ideologies and the sense of belonging of each component of the gaming community on-line will not be accepted (in these cases will be considered case by case basis and validity of a person).
manifest beginning

The founders figures are beyond the parties, trying to put into relief our manifest during discussions acting for the good of community respecting the ideas of everyone, first of all using its common sense.
If you discuss about changes to be made to fundamental Dragon paper the founders must give their consent, otherwise the proposal will be refused or at least be reviewed.
The founders are the only ones who can elect the Community Leader (CL) and Councillors.
The Founders are committed to participate in the decisions processes of Councillors / CL where there is explicit request by the Community Leader.
In case of death of community can reform all over the group of Admins or confirm the final decision of termination community activities.

Admin group is composed only by Dragon members which have more powers extensive than normal members of community (final decisions about the various areas of responsibility of the Dragon, password referee servers public password administrative site, moderated the forum). These powers derives from responsibility and the work needed to continue life of the Dragon.
The steering group of community is made up of:
  • Community Leader (CL): member elected by the founders who main task is to monitor the progress of responsibility areas of the Dragon, check that Admins are active and do their duty.
    - must be the point of reference regard to our community with others community / clan.
    - must lead highlighted problems of absenteeism and decide to replace an Admin or a Director with a member or remove an entire area of responsibility if it is too firm time.
    - can propose the opening of a new administrative group for community which compose a team that play a supported game. This area should work for a specific goal and have a clear purpose. The business should got measurable results and create value for the team and for the community.
    - can declare the death of community if all areas of responsibility will not have more active manager.
  • Community Vice Leader (VCL): elected member (managed and eventually replaced) by CL which has the main task to take the place during periods of absence.
    - must primarily monitor Admin and Directors job when the CL is absent.
    - if CL give up or must be replaced VCL will be the first choice of the Founders.
  • Councillors: members elected by the founders who collaborate with CL talking about decisions and choices to perform.
    - can deputise for the CL whenever he give the possibility.
    - they must monitor the work of CL.
    - can warn CL (in the case of serious inefficiency) that, following the final decision of the founders, will be removed from his duty.
    - can be removed from their duties if the supervisory work is not lead ahead adequately to the needs Community. In this case any Dragon member may request the founders to replace 2 councillors.
  • Admin: are members of the community that deal with manage and carry out even in first person the areas of Responsibility as described in the Manifest.
    - should have the conscience to be the foundation of community and know that their work is at the base of the Dragon.
    - manage Directorate and monitor the work.
    - can propose to CL its own tuted to replace him in the role of Admin.
Members of community who carry out one or more 'sub-activity' of the various games supported by Dragon specified in the rules of procedure.
They may have community password and use Dragon tag.
If a director doesn't fulfil his job Admins can substite him.

As members, they are Dragon female group.

The members are the heart of the Dragon community.
Is good that they get involved the most possible within the community (site, forum, ts, gaming servers, events, meetings, dinners, LAN, tournaments etc.) to continue to make active Dragon in a vision Community as a whole.
They can't use Dragon tag. After explicit authorization of Admins may have passwords.
Members who want to work within the community can become part of Directors.
Members may not behave in a manner which gives a negative view of the community. A member who has this attitude may have a warning. If repeated this member will be removed from community.

manifest beginning

Each Admin hold a Directate who works with the Administrator to fulfil all the tasks required. Rotation of the latter are decided by the Admin group.
For better internal management tasks are so divided:

#PR# - public relations
The PR is the Admin handles relations between the components of the community, a reference point supllying orentations services to new entries and follows the steps of any group of players.
PR is a mediator between the various offices of the community. He must be concerned with the happenings in an internal political issues and must always have a vision of and highlight the facts with total fairness;

#NET MEETING# - organizer and manager of networking events
Admin that organizes events, tournaments, development projects about the games that the community is doing.
He is the person htat memberships cups, events or tournaments organized internally or other community.

#MAINTAINER# - maintainer of structure
The Maintainer is the Admin with focus on managing site content and forums, posting news, organizing and managing the forum, checking that the structures informatics are active and up to date.

#REAL MEETING# - organizer events in real life
Admin which organizes rallies, LAN party, parties, dinners and whatever the number might involve more people, Dragon or not.
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Extraordinary Management.
If the Community has one or more Directorates area suffering due to lack of participation by players/members, lack of good Directors, main supported game term life cycle or for any other reason, subjected to approval of the Founders the CL can declare that Community is in the state of Extraordinary Management.
The Community in Extraordinary Management may limit its activities to those which are not suffering or which are believed prioritary, concentrating organizational efforts on a smaller number of activities that may gain success.
The status of Extraordinary Management deal with global Community and goes beyond Directorates activities and responsibility.
Under these conditions, the CL each month will elect activities that must be supplied and Directors that must achieve the objectives set by the required date.
The state of Extraordinary Management will expire when the reasons which prompted its application fall down, following the decision made by the CL with the consent of the Founders.
inizio manifesto

Support and Passwords.
As soon as the new game is declared supported the entire community will take commitment to create tournaments, events and anything can serve the development of the gaming in Dragon community, both in national and international level.
All supported netgaming teams should be subject to the rules specified in the Dragon manifest in terms of respect, regulation of cheaters and the role of the founders. Any eventual referee password and private slots will be made available to Admin, Director and to members authorized by the Administrator on the advice of Directors of the supported game.
In any case, the Admin group reserves a chance to remove the password to those when using malicious or irresponsible.
For a good use of the referee password nick or a known fake that begin with own nickname is to be used, knowning that after action referee must logout.
manifest beginning

The Dragon community

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