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CSS Validator

The appearance of our site was made with CSS version 2. This gives full seperation between contents and the way they are separated, allowing full accessability to the site for evere kind of user with every kind of aplliance (PC, PDA, WebTV, smartphone) and with every browser, including the non conventional ones (browsers for the seeing impared, textual browsers, cell phone browsers). Older browsers (for example Netscape Navigator 4.x) are not capable of interpreting the CSS we use properly.


XHTML Validator

The site was written in XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The advantages of this choice are learly shown in the XHTML guide. With this link, you can verify the acctual conformaty to XHTML 1.0 Transitional of the precedent page.

N.B. Some sections of the site are dynamically generated with the PHP language. If there should be errors, please report them to the following adress:

isicms _AT_ isigame _DOT_ net

Thank you for your collaboration.


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